


  • Value-driven investments with clients confidence and rights as top priority

  • Empathized investments with clients needs

  • Investor-oriented investments with the best risk-return profile

  • Clear risk-managed investments to secure investor's assets



  • Pre-Investment

    We seek to generate optimized
    risk-adjusted returns through
    ideal structure with rigorous due diligence

  • Investment execution

    We deploy capital
    with FX declaration and
    disciplined investment execution process via legal,
    accounting, and tax review

  • Post-Investment

    We diligently monitor the performance and stability of our underlying assets across a range of risk profiles, implementing robust measures to mitigate market volatility and safeguard investments



  • Persistently Identify up-to-date global market environments and

    pursue investment trends through presenting capital markets conference

    Discover tailored investment opportunities based on extensive

    knowledge to meet domestic investor's needs for overseas investments

  • Ability to secure ideal investment opportunities through proven

    track record and specialties recognized by number of institutions

    Unrivalled overseas investment partner with flexible management best

    fitting to volatile market environment and investment trends

  • Long-standing relationships with global top-tier managers constructed

    on the basis of exceptional level of overseas management experience

    Guaranteed overseas deal origination capabilities of senior specialist



Associated Risks under Management


  • Pre-Investment Stage
    • Establishment of standards for Internal control
    • Thorough revision on associated documents
    • Internal check-list screening
  • Monitoring Stage
    • Real-time monitoring on underlying asset
    • Monitoring on internal control satisfaction
  • Post-Investment Stage
    • Periodic monitoring on internal compliance satisfaction
    • Reports associated risks on regular basis